Join Us!

Before joining the Latvian Association of Young Researchers, please read the organisation’s statutes. If you agree with our aims and objectives, the obligations of members, and commit to paying the membership fee, please fill in the application form. We require this information to get a better overview of prospective members, their areas of expertise, and their motivation to join the organisation. Your application to join the Latvian Association of Young Researchers will be considered by the Board within one month, and you will be informed of their decision afterward. After the affirmative review of your application, you will receive an email with information on the next steps to complete the procedure of joining the organisation.

The membership fee for the current year is to be paid upon joining the organisation. For each new calendar year, the membership fee of 20 EUR is to be paid by February 1st (by specifying "'Name Surname', biedra nauda, 'year'"). If the payment is made by a legal entity, please request an invoice by January 15th of the respective year by sending an email to

Fill the registration form (Google Forms).